Welcome to DoRemoXy

The first open cloud for programmable devices

DoRemoXy is your open platform for sharing development boards and embedded devices over the internet.

DoRemoXy is a private initiative. The services here are still under consistent development and test.

About Us

A private initiative in the pre-startup phase.

Our main interest is to extend the "Sharing culture" to reach programmable devices and development boards. Therefore, DoRemoXy is designed to be open: for any body and for any development board or embedded device.

DoRemoXy is still under test and continous development.

See What can I share?

The Vision

Developers around the world use a huge number of boards. Usually every developer has his own boards. For many reasons, not all boards are in permanent usage. By boards sharing over the internet, DoRemoXy gives the world a chance to use these resources effectively.
Moreover, developer teams can collaborate remotely, not only by working on a common versioning system, but also by testing the developed software/firmware on a common development board. The similar applies for teachers and students groups, for makers and their followers, and for freelancers. DoRemoXy can separate the hardware development from the firmware/software development.
Makers are now able to put their designs to the public usage and test, or for further "social" firmware development.
Professional designers of development boards and embedded systems, can make wonderful advertisement for new designs, by putting them to the public for remote usage. Legacy advertisements will be a part of the past.
Especially expensive boards can be a dream for many developers, not only in the third world countries. Why not to share some if available?
More possibilities are also thinkable. DoRemoXy is working on innovative collaboration scenarios.

How to use DoRemoXy?

It is very easy: Register with a valid email address and signin to DoRemoXy website.

If you want to use a shared device remotely: Select one of the available devices in the list. If the device is not currently busy (i.e. not used by another user) it will be assigned to you for a timed session.

If you want to share a device: download and install DoRemoXy-Agent on your computer, connect your development board\embedded device to the computer, make a few settings, and press "Share".

You can give us feedback about your experience here.

What can you share?

DoRemoXy is designed to share any development board or embedded device, even those without operating systems or network connection (see DoRemoXy-Agent).

However, there is a List of currently supported devices. The list contains devices programmed with AVRDUDE for AVR microcontrollers (including most of Arduino development boards) and esptool for Espressif boards (e.g. ESP8266 boards).

Please check the list to make sure your device is supported.

DoRemoXy will support more devices in the soon future.


DoRemoXy is in a test phase and can be currently used for free.
DoRemoXy intends always to support a free plan to the benefit of the majority of its users.
For special services and features DoRemoXy can later provide paid plans.


Dr.-Eng. Ghadi Mahmoudi

The person behind the vision, conception and realisation

A developer and university docent in the field of programming and embedded systems


You can surely contact us for any of your valuable questions or suggestions.


Ghadi Mahmoudi

Am Roggenkamp 129

48165 Muenster, Germany

Email Us

With the contact form