We are very delighted that you have shown interest in online device sharing.
DoRemoXy is a private initiative and not (yet) registered in any commercial form. DoRemoXy is currently a free service under consistent development and test.
Any terms used in the privacy policy (or anywhere on DoRemoXy.com web pages), that give the impression of commercial usage, services or similar, are only related to a possible future conversion of DoRemoXy.
We do our best to keep the services on DoRemoXy as well functioning as we can, WITH NO WARRANTY AND NO GUARRANTY.
You use these services as they are, without any warranty or guarantee from our side.
We thank poeple who share devices with others, and we expect them to be aware of all possible consequences of their generous behviour.
We thank also poeple who use shared devices and who help others remotely.Surely we expect them to use shared devices carefully.
The information given on DoRemoXy webpage is our best state of knowledge, with no warranty and no guarantee to be fully true or complete.
We clearly take no responsibility for:
- Any damage of shared devices.
- Any damage caused by device sharing and/or remote usage.
- Any misunderstanding of dangers associated with the device sharing and/or remote usage.
- Any malfunctions or misfunctions of DoRemoXy services.
- Any of the weblinks on our webpage.
DoRemoXy Team